At your initial contact and discussion, you may decide that your project needs the flair and creativity of a garden designer to achieve the best results possible. At this point, we will put you directly in touch with one of the garden designers. The garden design process may contain all or some of the elements detailed below depending on your project.

Free Initial Meeting
This is when the designer will visit you on site and discuss the brief for the garden, your vision, you may have a “Big Idea” which will be reflected throughout, your likes and dislikes and what you would like to achieve as an outcome. It is important for you to have an idea about what you would like to spend so that a solution can be found within your budget. The designers’ fees will be dependent on the size and scope of the project and this will be discussed with you so that you can decide whether or not you would like to proceed.
If you would like to proceed, the site will be surveyed. This may be conducted by the garden designer, but if your site is more complex or with difficult level changes, a qualified land surveyor may be recommended. The survey also includes a site analysis – looking at the type of soil, the aspect of the house and where the utilities are and any tree preservation orders or planning restrictions that could impact the design process.

Outline Design
With all the information collected, a concept plan will be prepared with the main ideas detailed. Depending on the designer, these plans may be hand drawn or computer generated.
Master Plan and Construction Detailing
Once the concept plan has been agreed, a detailed precise plan will be created which will contain all the specifications that the construction team will need to complete the project. Depending on the designer, these plans will be hand drawn or computer generated.

Planting Plans
The garden designer is the best placed person to advise you on planting plans for your garden. Whether these be for new or existing borders, please discuss with the designer and they will guide you through the process of selecting and purchasing plants from the nursery to planting out in your new garden.